Visiting family in Baton Rouge. Picked up 2 dozen Mary Lee Donuts. Hot fresh and melt in your mouth goodness.
You were right; my wife has never made French toast, but we sliced up the homemade stuff this morning and did it up. Delicious!
my mother used to make french toast out of leftover cinnamon raisin bread. it really didnt need much syrup at all. i had my starbucks double shot espresso. but im down to one a morning now. im cutting back of caffeine and so far i havent killed anyone.
I love Mary Lea donuts. I don't eat donuts very often, but when I moved from Monroe to Baton Rouge I was at a loss for words when the only donuts I could find were Krispy Kreme donuts. Way, way too much sugar for my taste. There isn't much that I won't eat, but KK makes my very short list. They're just not palatable at all. In Monroe we have Shipleys. Mary Lea is pretty damn close to Shipleys. When I moved to off Coursey I noticed a location around the corner from the house and made a run a couple days after we moved from Downtown.
i take mary lee donuts to the parade grounds to have as our early breakfast at tailgates. its tradition now. warm donuts right after 5 am when they open.... mmmmmmm......