Fruit, fruit, and more fruit. Salad with honeydew, watermelon, and cantaloupe. What I *really* wanted was a chicken breakfast burrito from Chick-fil-a, but I have a bridesmaids dress to fit into in a week.... Well, it fits, but I'd like to be able to sit down at some point through the night.
Peanut butter/ banana / local honey sammich on double fiber bread. Washed it down with a cold glass of milk. Whole milk, not that 2% crap.
the mojo corn dog. a large diet dp with extra cherry and easy ice, both from sonic, of course. greenie was a sweetie and went to sonic to get them for me. he knows how i feel about my gameday corn dog!:thumb:
I was just kidding, your husband seemed like both a very classy and very nice man. He's obviously also very smart and knows what's good for him. :lol:
and THAT is why he went to sonic for me. he knows how important game day rituals are and that the corn dog for breakfast has been part of mine for years!