so the average city retiree makes more than the average person actually working in san francisco. the end is near. San Fran City Employees‘ Pensions Higher than Average Workers’ Earnings
Don't forget Wisconsin and what they were saying. It's a civil right for unions to operate like this. It's a God given right for union government pensions to bankrupt state and local governments. It's also a civil right for the federal government to have to bail out these governments that have crucified the taxpayer in these locales. We as Americans must pony up the funds and borrow aginst our kids future so that these God given civil rights are paid for. If we don't we are called unamerican , heartless, cruel , racist hacks and can expect to have things such as our statehouses trashed and special olympics events ruined for our kids. We can also expect children, who can not really understand, march in the streets with educator approved signs denoucing us as bad people. All this while our president approves. We need not worry, the fed will just print the money. See all is well.
California is not the best example for America, especially San Francisco. The average Louisiana state employee pension is $19,140. The state average income is $30,219 .
Of course. Just not representational of the average state government. Of course. Just not representational of the average state government.
Not a good representation of an average RED state government but typical of a nearly bankrupt blue state government I would bet.