Which 2010 W-L Record Would Be Better for the Football Program?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TC, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Who replaces him? The million dollar question. On top of that, do we really want Joe Alleva making this decision? You can't just fire a guy when your program slips a little, unless you have a bad ass replacement. We don't.
  2. TC

    TC Le Big Mac

    Oct 25, 2005
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    The original post was a question: What would be better for the program, 8-5 or 5-7?

    I'm not pointing anything out; I'm just curious about TF opinions.

    Few have given me a straight answer so far. Most posters think LSU is going to win the national championship this season.
  3. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Like who? Like maybe 3 or 4 pretty upbeat people but for the most part, well, who? :huh:
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    WHO? All I hear is FIRE LES, not hire XXX. Who is on the market with a better winning and recruiting record than Les? Be specific.

    Nick had a couple of them here plus a 7-win season so far at Bama. Why did you not scream for his head?

    Rock bottom is a losing season like we had eight of in the 1990's. Winning seasons are not rock bottom . . . they just annoy unrealistic, fair-weather fans spoiled on a couple of championships.

    Hey, you haven't been deleted or banned. It's a discussion board and you are receiving discussion. Sorry if you don't like it, but when you make a number of inflammatory posts regarding LSU and its head coach, you are going to get some inflammatory responses. Live with it, chief.
  5. leroy7500

    leroy7500 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Why in the heck would I want 5 Wins???

    I don't even like 8 Wins- that means a loss in the
    Chicken Sandwich Bowl, or worse..

    Let's just play the damn Game- hah!
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  6. Purple Tiger1

    Purple Tiger1 Founding Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    TC sounds like one of the ten or so members at Tiger Rant with over 20k posts each and no football experience. Adms and this group are anti Miles..

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I would believe that was your intention if and only if I hadn't read any of your other threads and posts all supporting your dislike for Miles. Try to pull the wool over someone elses eyes, not people who know what your M.O. is really about.:dis:
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Right. Don't BS a BSer. Every single post you have made has been negative. Also, when LSU has a very good game or a big win you are nowhere to be found. You revel in misery and/or you are a world class sh!t stirrer. Your views are supported only by trolls who don't stick around.
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  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    If you were a fresh poster, I think you would get a good response, however, as bad as we were last year and in 2008, I couldn’t fathom a 5-7 season. There is truly too much talent on this team. With that, talent alone does not win games, but the fact that most of our player’s grasp that they are playing AT LSU alone will win more than 5 games.

    I know, this might be way over your head………..

    It’s not that people always attack you, well….. Maybe they do as of late, but we have all witnessed you and some others attack Miles and team, so I see this backlash as more of a defense of our great team that we have right now.

    I know that I can be the first to say that I have had my rage on these boards after a game or too, but that is mostly due to the excessive drinking I do during a game! Anyway, if your opinions weren’t SO FAR OUT there like a 5-7 prediction, I think you would really find a thoughtful discussion here. Miles is not the best coach in the county, but as I have found out and others have said who’s better? Hardly anyone at this point.

    Still, even if this team finds a way to tank this season, I have no fear that we would find a good coach, however to find a coach that has done what BOTH Miles and Saban has done for a THIRD time will be a feat in-its-self.

    Miles is a good coach and is likely to have a good season this year and the possibility for an amazing season in 2011. I do not see him going anywhere anytime soon given all the CIRCUMSTANCES considered.
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  10. TC

    TC Le Big Mac

    Oct 25, 2005
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    I did not predict 5-7. But if the Tigers lose to North Carolina in the opener, I can very well see a W-L record in that range.

    I don't dislike Miles at all. There are some qualities that I really like about him, in fact. He's loyal to his assistants. He intends to make his student/athletes better men, not just better players. He talks in a unique, entertaining way. He is a good coach, just not a great coach. And now that he has a national title on his résumé, I suspect he has lost some of the fire in his belly. My sense is that 8-5 and 9-4 don't make him lose any sleep.

    Whom would I want to see replace him? Well, LSU is still a very attractive job. Could Chris Petersen be interested? What about Jon Gruden? Could you imagine the buzz in the SEC if Chucky were on the purple-and-gold's sidelines?! Gary Patterson will be a name that comes up for many openings this year. The possibilities are unlimited. It's just a matter of timing and handling the media.

    But, we must let 2010 play out. Here's to hoping for 14-0 and to this thread being a moot point. :tigerhead

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