You're nuts. It's a great tradition. Boy, I'm sure glad you aren't in charge of anything. And somebody needs to get a damn cattle prod after Mike. He wasn't hired on just to sit in that pretty, multi-million dollar, habitat of his. In between steaks and dips in his pool, he's expected to ride around in his purple and gold pope mobile and growl at the camera. It's time he started pulling his weight damn it. :hihi:
That is a great idea, seriously, they should. Blame it on Miles- like the rest of the team. Mike: 1/ Lacks discipline 2/ Lacks leadership 3/ Not sure of assignment....:hihi:
I'm having second thoughts on Dr. Baker's idea of selecting a well-mannered cat. I'm the first to hope that the reign of Mike VI lasts as long as possible but next time we need to get back to a half-crazed vicious beast with an attitude.
i like his personality! hes a youngster and likely just going through a "phase". im sure we all had our moments when we were young. :grin:
I'm thinking it would be pretty easy for that Tiger to bust through those little rinky dinky chains securing those gates. We should all just be glad that we gave Mike a nice habitat so he isn't roaming around mauling humans before someone can get him with a tranquilizer gun. Regardless, the blame for all of this obviously rests on the shoulders of our head coach, Les Miles. He should be heavily criticized if not fired.