High on acid, he decided to take the term "Fighting Tigers" to a new level...he ran away and joined the circus.
He high-tailed it cause he saw the writing on the wall with Obamacare. He knew the walls were going to come tumbling down.
Red may have "lost it" after the Ole Miss debacle. Someone cut the fence into Mike's habitat, tattered and gore-soaked clothing was found (old leather hiking boots, LSU-logo boxer underwear in size XXL, a chewed up bag of "Red Man" toe-bakker, a 2011-style LSU jacket and--inexplicably--an Ole Miss undershirt). A deeply-knawed pile of long bones was found in the far left corner of the habitat, shaded by those dense oleander bushes. The vet school's two caretakers are sifting nightly through Mikes' spoor for additional clues; so far, $3.57 in pocket change, car keys and a Seiko watch (minus the band) have been found. They are hoping for a wallet, with contained ID, to be forthcoming. Could this be all that's left of Red?
He may have attained the only thing more/less than maximum slack, death…….that good ole liberal leach will surface sooner or later, I mean that lovingly
Maybe red. fell through the floor of one of his old rent houses. I found red https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...ZMQkpA02VpF_wzgKQ&sig2=L2o_FgfvUunHp4TboNFPTA