I used to use cafepress. The problem with them is that you can't get certain color shirts. Purple happens to be one of them that you cannot get! I think it's just black, white, and a mint green and maybe a pink at cafepress. No one in Tiger land wants those! Someone let me know if they find other places.
I'm using the "Have a GREAT Day" on the T's I'm doing for the big party on Poydras. Having Tiger Toon Dude do the graphics, have the for sale at the block party. By the way, glad to be here.
On that same topic, I found this article. While I doubt Tebow or UF will get in any trouble, it's a good reminder about merchandising. http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071207/SPORTS/712070350/1002/SPORTS
Try this site. I have one coming in a couple days. Can't elaborate on it cuz it's for someone on this board. I'm sure he'll post a pic after Xmas. www.spreadshirt.com