Immigrants mostly undocumented rebuilt New Orleans after Katrina and are doing the same in Houston. Many stay and are the backbone of skilled labor (carpenter, plumbing, electrician etc). I go to Sacramento regularly and hire workers at Home Depot. They work hard. How about these statistics? Undocumented make up 53% of the farm labor. If we only deported half over 3500 farms would go belly up and some food costs would increase 35%. Finally who else would you have do that work. Are your neighbors in Compton going to the fields and farms? Are you going to let them into your house to work? Who and how do you suggest replace these people? 2018-06-26&utm_term=Business Insider Select
So you advocate artificially low wages for production? How about the become legal like the law requires and the dust settles. Replace them? Farming equipment is already controlled via drones and GPS.
It’s the market sport and they will be replaced by drones when they’re cheaper and more productive. Been in a McDonalds with self ordering? Do you use the self checkout line at the grocery? I do because the scanner is smarter and faster than the illiterate mouth breathers that populate them. BTW I would rather they get legal first, just pointing out some consequences of the throw them all out policy.
This crap is getting serious and frankly dangerous
For all you Reagan fans and I am one of em he was a fan of tariffs when needed
Read the whole story caca. Two points were made. First the tariffs MAY have provided HD some breathing room but the leaders were committed to change and that’s what saved the company not the tariffs. They also may have had NOTHING to do with its resurrection. In fact HD asked the tariffs be REMOVED. Secondly even so the tariffs cost HD employees jobs. Finally no one is perfect, even Reagan made mistakes.
Yes. All you do is point out negatives. Never a positive. There are two sides to every coin. Sweet melt tho.