Politics Where are we going?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Truth hurts does it?
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    That may but, but it’s our duty to rise above those things. Rising above and being better people and making our country a better place is what the last 240 years have been about. It’s what defines American exceptionalism. Trump is the anthesis of that tradition. He’s making things worse.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Is he really? Or is he fighting a battle our forefathers never dreamed could happen? Lots of issues on the table in the current climate, but I'm obviously talking about border control here. Where that's concerned "American exceptionalism" can be defined by the melting pot days between Reconstruction and WWI. We had an immigration boom, but it was predominantly made up of people who entered the country legally, applied for citizenship, and adopted a combination of American culture with the traditions they brought with them. That is hardly what is going on today. Read some of what @uscvball has posted in the last couple of days. She lives on the frontline. Open border proponents would have you believe that the illegals are merely trying to escape the problems in their home countries, but it sounds more like they are bringing the problems with them. They are also bringing with them - by the mere act of entering the country illegally - a fundamental disrespect for our citizens and laws that the melting pot immigrants did not have. Immigration over the last 25 years has evolved into something Americans of our first 200 years never contemplated. We can either defend our borders or be overrun. Which do you think is in our best interests?
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Well can't pass this one up. So tell me how Trumps policies "narrows America’s values to petty selfish of a few" and why you believe this child Dan Krauthammer's view of Trumps unfounded nationalism?

    1. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want a border around your country like every other freaking country in the world? Is that selfish? If it is than why not let the all of the downtrodden of Africa, Venezuela, NOKO, Syria, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and every other countries downtrodden flow into our country at will. Would that be a good thing for the legal citizens of America and America in general? Why restrict it to just Mexicans and S. Americans? Are they better than Canadians, Aficans and Asians who have to go through a long process to become citizens? Why are Latinos treated special? Isn't this racism againt non Latinos? If it self interest and unfounded nationalism to not let illegals jump in front of the line ahead of people who want to be American citizens legally? Why is enforcing a law that congress passed wrong? Do you think your beloved Washington, Jefferson and Madison would have enforced the laws passed by congress and approved by them if they were around today?
    2. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want fair trade with no tariffs as Trump has called for? Why is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want an equal playing field on trade? Is it self interest when a country like Canada imposes a 240% tariff on some of our goods and we are horrible if we don't like it and want to impose tariffs on them?
    3. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want to protect your country from tyrants like NOKO and Iran? Why is winning on that issue self interest and unfounded nationalism? By doing something about NOKO and Iran isn't that doing something for not only America but the entire world? Is that self interest and unfounded nationalism?
    4. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to lift the heavy burden of government regulation off the backs of America's large and small businesses creating almost unlimed jobs for our citizens?
    5. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want to allow hard working American citizens keep more of their money?
    6. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want to stop the government from taking over the American healthcare system? A system that can fine citizens for not using something they do not want or may not need?
    7. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to want to win at everything? Does LSU run onto the field every Saturday night thinking winning is not our objective? Do businesses not want to win? Is fighting a just war to win a bad thing? Why is winning in America now a bad thing in your mind? Do you think Washington, Jefferson and Madison didn't want to win?
    8. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to simple love your country? Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to call out and disagree (not legislate against or try to stop) with people who disrespect our flag that stands for the blood that was shed for their right to disrespect our flag?
    9. Is it self interest and unfounded nationalism to believe in exceptionalism? Why is believing in that make you think this makes other people and nations bad because we strive as a nation to be exceptional? Last time I looked we are not using our strength and belief in our exceptionalism to conquer other nations. We are however using it to defend our nation and help other nations become free and exceptional

    No you and young Daniel are wrong. Young Daniel would have been very comfortable in the Clinton and Obama administrations. Just because his last name is Krauthammer doesnt sway me one bit. Loved his dad but his dad was wrong about Trump. This country is in need of some nationalism after the disgrace that was the Obama regime. Also the democrats and the left have become the enemy of the constitution and those three founding fathers you are so proud of i.e Washington, Jefferson and Madison. You think those 3 would have put up with even 1% of what democrats, some republicans and leftist are doing today? They kicked the asses of people for simply putting a tax on their breafast beverage you think they put up with a Nancy Pelosi? A John McCain? a Maxine Waters? A Chuck Schumer?

    I will start debating you again if you wish if not said my piece.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    It’s more than immigration much more but there are some parts of the discussion conveniently left out when Trump speaks. First I do read vball’s post and believe very much that what she says is accurate for her area. However I believe that much more the exception than the rule. In fact the Trump administration’s own study shows immigrants both legal and illegal have a significantly lower rate of crime than native Boris. Likewise federal statistics show even illegal immigrants provide more than they take out. I’m not for unlimited immigration or open borders but to use a false narrative as Trump is doing harms the effort to manage immigration significantly.
    He knows nothing of history and encourages you to forget it. Yes undesirables come with every wave. There were and are Irish gangs in the 1850’s. Remember The Godfather? Of course it was fiction but wasn’t/isn’t the Mafia real? Same with Germans in the Midwest...Dutch Shultz. Jews, Cubans Chinese, Vietnamese you name it. Likewise there have always been pockets in the country where immigrants kept their own culture and language for generations. There one area right here, Acadiana.
    From the beginning there’s been a hue and cry against foreigners in our midst by nativists and racists. From the beginning the country’s better nature has blocked this vile movement. You should be glad because we owe much of our greatness to immigrants.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    A little cheat sheet for ya this aint the 1850's we don't need the immigrants we needed at that time and BTW we started making new immigrants go through it legally later in our history. Jesus you have warped view our our country and whats makes it great. Those nativists you speak of were all immigrants themselfs but did understand unlike you there has to be limits. Are you saying they were racists for wanting to restrict immigration? Yes we all know there was discrimination against the chinese in the 1800's but that was just a different time and mindset. When it was all said and done we let everyone in as long as it was legal. Trying to equate immigration of that period to immigration today is assinin. Are we being racists against Latinos or is it because it is 99% Latinos that are pouring across our borders illegally? If it were 99% Canadians illegally pouring across our borders would that be racists too?
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    You guys are so blind. I love you all except that one fucker, but Trump is basically set up and alley oop for your biggest fear. Some left winger that will make Obama look like a neocon.

    So toast on your liberal tears now, but go give your kids a hug.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The more the left acts like Trump, the greater his chances.
    el005639 likes this.
  9. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    The left is not capable of acting like JFK much less Trump. JFK would be a right wing radical in today's democrat party.
    Bengal B likes this.
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Exception? Yikes. Statistical validity is in my favor. California has by far the largest number of unauthorized immigrants, about 2.3 million in 2014. Or, according to the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), there are 3,019,000 adult illegal immigrants living in the state of California. On top of this are 1.1 million children of illegal immigrants (975,000 of whom would be considered anchor babies). Therefore, in total there are 4.12 million illegal immigrants, and their children living in California. About six-in-ten unauthorized immigrants live in the six states with the largest populations of unauthorized immigrants—California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Texas. State #2 is Texas with 1.5 million.

    Where do you get that info?


    And that's EXCLUDING federal costs! If you think that 2.3 million illegals pump more than $23 billion in to the CA economy, then puff, puff, pass my friend.

    "More than one million illegal immigrants living in California have received driver's licenses, according to a new report.

    The state's Department of Motor Vehicles announced that as of March 31, 1,001,000 illegal immigrants have received licenses, The Sacramento Bee reported." How much do you think that costs the state, i.e., the taxpayers like me?

    Well over half speak English poorly or not at all which means they work for minimal wage and contribute nothing unique to the workforce. What could they possibly be providing to account for the $23B in costs and services they receive like free healthcare, free education, free lunch and breakfast, free, free, free. And then CA gives them more free shit, so they want even more free shit.

    I think he knows history quite well. What exactly has he said or done that you see as encouragement to forget history?

    Today's immigrants are not yesterday's immigrants. Most of those from prior generations truly sought asylum, worked hard for everything they wanted, attempted to assimilate, learned the language, and still kept their culture. They had respect for the way of life here and appreciated what they earned. That isn't happening now. What today's immigrants want is free shit. They don't care for or about American culture or values. This isn't about undesirables. This is about an attempt to use and abuse what America offers with no interest in reciprocity or actual citizenship. Eff that.

    Hey! Look at the great culture in LA! Orelay!
    dachsie likes this.

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