Charles Scott was working with me for a couple weeks, said he was down here training but still trying to keep playing football. LaBrandon Toefield is still living in the area and working. Was also coaching a kids team last year, not sure if he is this year. Talked with him about a month ago and he was doing well. Was working with and pretty good friends with Larry Foster for a couple years, not sure what he's doing now. I haven't talked with him since December, but at the time he was alive and well living in Port Allen.
What do you do that you frequently work with former LSU football players, if you don't mind me asking?
IMO, Chad Lavalais was instrumental as one of the key guys that got us over the hump as a program. At the only LSU party that I ever attended with most of the football team present (think it was '96), there was a block party with a few kegs. About a dozen of the players were inside someone's apartment watching a replay of one of the games from '95 (think it was the Auburn "Bring Back the Magic" game although didn't think it was televised). Someone had pointed out Larry Foster early in the night and I happened to get to the keg later at the exact same time as him. I let him go first and mumbled something about being a big fan and that I was excited about him returning punts. He chuckled and I instantly realized that I must have sounded like the biggest loser.
Mike Callais coached me in highschool for about a year and I think he went to West St. Mary or something like that.
Callais played for Patterson, but he did coach at West St. Mary for a time. Don't know where he is now. Harry Coleman is coaching at WSM.
This was before that happened. From the stories that I recall, it was an incident with an ex rather than him simply being a thief that got him in trouble.