Anyone have updates of former LSU athletes and what they are up to these days? I used to enjoy reading the little blurbs on Dandy Don although they were never updated. Not that it fits this topic (but since it just crossed my mind), where is Pete Maravich buried? Anyone ever visit his grave?
Shaq's trying to open a free children's hospital here in BR. Of course, who doesn't know that already?
Think I read a few months ago that Trev Faulk was coaching a high school team somewhere. I remember Josh Reed going back to school after his NFL career but not sure what he was studying. Jamie Howard has (or had) some kind of really successful company. Vernel Singleton is apparently an actor (at least part-time) in small and/or adult films. What about guys like Alley Broussard, Mike Hansen (basketball), some of those 90s baseball championship players, Stanley Roberts, Justin Vincent, and Skyer Green. Just to throw out some random names.
Brandon Larson is a name that comes to mind. I thought for sure he'd be an every day major leaguer for a long time, ala Lance Berkman.