When will we play our best players?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tigerace, Nov 14, 2007.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    I happen to agree with the original post. Williams and Scott are beast, Hester is just trying to make it to the NFL. We have to throw to much to comeback instead of using are backfield. Hell, put Dick Murphy as a slot receiver and #8 the ghost. I mean its so much we could do with this offense, but we play too conservative in the first half. Its really sad. Despite being #1 we wouldnt have to be in a debate about Oregon and LSU if we would just step on our opponents necks like we can. Who has better talent than LSU, its not even close. USC has the talent, but you see how there season is. people want to debate Oregon with us and have you seen their defense, just awful.:LSU231: :milesmic:
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    When will Tirk post his best avatar :huh:

    NEVERMIND :grin:
  3. bayou_bandit74

    bayou_bandit74 Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I know Im criticizing him here, but Im still content with what he has done overall. Im just here chiming in on some of my opinions like everyone else. Like I said, its nitpicking and like you said, you can criticize and break down anyone or anything. It makes conversation. Overall Im happy with what he has done here. I still beg to differ about Williams, he made a beautiful cut against La Tech. He also shows he can pick up the blitz. Hester fits the old school Big Ten mold, so IMO Miles favors him. Granted in crucial situations Id have Hester in there as well.
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