#6 is the biggest asset going for us now thank goodness all I know is that Gary Danielson single handedly put Florida in the championship game last season with his lobbying for them during their SEC CG vs Arky. When Herbstreit said LSU #2 last nite on the OU/Mizzou broadcast, I was relieved. He could have really made a push for OU, and he didn't. I don't know why. He only mentioned USC as the only other possible choice for him. Really amazed me he didn't jump on OU's bandwagon, since he was watching the damn game.
I hate to say it, but I don't think LSU will make it... V-Tech will get the ACC and Big East votes.... USC will get the Pac-10 votes... The SEC votes will get split between LSU and Georgia... and the computers are going to like Kansas...
I'm kind of in this camp. I think OK and VT split a lot of votes. I look for OSU (which is a joke) against VT. LSU 3rd with OK 4th.
If the voting goes as a couple of you suggest it might, then there is no integrity in the voting system and the polls. I am not quite that cynical about it. These people have a bit of a reputation on the line. I do think some will go with the homer vote where they think they have a strong argument. But any logical person who looks at it will probably see that the #2 should either go to Va. Tech or LSU. The only reason why Va.TEch loses out is because of the head-to-head against LSU. I could see some homer votes in Oklahoma and parts of CA and the west coast. Beyond that, I really don't see it being a big problem.
I know the BCS show is at 7pm tonight. Will the Human polls be released before then. If so, anybody know when?