But, that's assuming PC stays. And, the ND boards are buzzing that PC had an affair with a SC song girl, and will likely leave soon. To me, it always struck me as highly unfair how one-sided the rules were. A coach can leave anytime, for another job and the kids he recruited are stuck with that. They should make it a new rule that when a coach leaves, all the kids he recruited, who came to the school only to play for that particular coach, should be free to leave.
bitterD facing reality Which means another Trojan beatdown of your pathetic irish asses in South Bend this year. At least that's one thing we have in common with LSU. You really think your one hit posts have any merit? Look I know that your board took down a thread discussing donut boy's civil litigation lawsuit that includes a video tape of Large Charles hitting a woman. Yea, that's right. A case that's gone from a few thousand dollars to nearly a million. But your mods left up a 5 page diatribe against PC including all kinds of b.s. Your board limits free speech like Pravda. For you to come over here and make a weak attempt at smack is as lowlife as your football program. Bring it to WeAreSC if you're so damn confident. Either that or buy Charlie a dozen Krispy Kremes so he can feel better. Oh, and Geaux Tigers.
Re: bitterD facing reality Get real! Since when have things had to be "Formalized" to be posted in our forum, or any forum?? Like the RP situation? Recruits whereabouts? Coaching changes? How many jobs did we give Jimbo before he ended up at FSU? Let 'em talk. :thumb:
I would be very very dissapointed if McKnight didn't come here. We can talk all day about how good Keiland Williams is and how much depth at RB we'll have next year but a guy like McKnight is an extremely rare talent and he seems destined for stardom. If he doesn't come here then I'd rather he go to USC than an SEC school but either way I will be very angry if we couldn't get him. We can't let talent like this go away from Louisiana.
I nominate this as worst post of the year. It has it all. A completely unsubstantiated rumor, a terrible viewpoint on student transfers, and it was written by a notre dame fan. I'm not sure I've seen a post this terrible in years.......:hihi::hihi::hihi: