No, I actually don't recall that the mike was cutting out during the game. If that was indeed true, then that's more reason for that little slice of Switzerland in Birmingham to clarify things publicly after the game. They had to see the same broadcast we did, right? And before you start thinking we're going to skip down the road, arm in am, singing Kumbaya, Gumpenstein (it is Bama week after all), if that was the basis for the call I still say it's bullshit. Peterson was in front, secured the catch with two hands and if Jones got a finger on it, it was still live until Peterson went out of bounds.
You can quote anyone you like and call it whatever you like. Anyone who thinks that wasn't an int either a liar or a fucking retard. Quote that.
The only reason I'm even entertaining this subject again, @wjray, is due to the week it is. (I'll have to admit, I'd likely be drawn into it if I was extremely bored in the off-season.) The mic going out is indeed true. I'm sure someone included that in a write-up that following Sunday. I recall it getting on my nerves (sitting in N end zone, inside, watching it on TV as much as I was watching outside.) Penn Wagers is the ref that told me that was how it was ruled. Understand, I've busted his balls a few times on calls he's made when we've ran into each other at a few sports bars here in Chas. But, it's been in good fun. I realize they don't have the easiest job in the world but I'm sure they're compensated adequately enough to endure a little grief. I was around here back in 2004 when Corey Webster pushed Keith Brown down in the end zone, intercepted the ball, and then ran it back 50 or so yards. I was pissed that Saturday, but moved past it. Why people can't move past things like this? No. Freakin'. Clue.
@TerryP Absolutely football officials have a difficult job. And it's not the on field officials I have a problem with (either in this case or in general). It's the home office. A simple public system where the office can admit, yep, they fucking blew that call (not this specific one, mind you, just in general) but they've been counseled and we're moving on would work wonders. And, for the record, Corey Webster, an angelic young man from the great town of Vacherie, never once, in high school, college or the pros ever pushed a receiver down in the end zone to intercept a ball. They may have slipped because of his inherent River Parishes voodoo. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I can agree with this, If and only if Jones touched the ball (just like you said). Thing is look at the video there is nothing I see to say he touched this ball, moreover he would have had to touch the ball AND touching the ground out of bounds. Again he is not so this point is kind of a non issue.
Pot meet kettle. To keep perpetuating this bull shit call is sad. Sorry. I get all teams get some bull shit calls but this one was epic and at a pivotal moment in the game, and against a rival at their home.
Because when calls like this are so blatantly blown some people still seem to try to pass them off as possibly the right call, this is bull shit. Yea yea I know its a game and all but when the whole damn sports world knows it is a blown call, time to own up and admit it. Burying it only makes things worse.
Someone told me Tiger Stadium now holds 102K, I told them it held that many years ago. Ask how many saw the Cannon Run back, had to be at least 102K that night.
The only thing that comes close to being such a blatantly bad call was this one: No that's not pass interference at all!!! Gilbert said after the game that the coach told him to hit anything in front of him so that's what he did. Admitted he was not even playing the ball. Looks like them Alabama guys get all the calls, hmmm....wonder why that is.