Lest you guys get caught up in your own "delusion," recall there was no explanation from the official on the field, and the SEC offices said they would deal with LSU officials directly. Insisting it was ruled he was out of bounds lacks foundation. It's conjecture that's how it was ruled upon.
I am assuming you are looking at a different play. He is in bounds and has the ball here, and oh look I see green grass between his foot and the white sideline. Think you need to familiarize yourself with that play again.
Gee, you'd think considering how controversial the play was, and how much flack the officials took over the ruling, the SEC office would have come out and given that explanation right away. But all that has been ever said is that Peterson was ruled out of bounds.
You aren't reading what I'm saying. I was told, by a SEC official, that the contact Julio had with the ball makes it dead. You keep saying "it's an interception that wasn't overturned." You don't know that. It's what you've read from different fans and media individuals. But, you have nothing to base that opinion on because there never was an explanation on the field. The only explanation the SEC head official, Redding, gave was to Miles and the LSU administration.
No I do hear what you say but the problem is the video evidence, photographic evidence, and the shoe print in the field (in bounds I might add) does not support the BS. What you are spouting is spin, watch the video again this was a catch plain and simple. If you don't want to believe that then continue with your ignorance, what ever helps you sleep better at night.
What? One wasn't going to stay, one isn't going to leave, and the other is going to be a HC for another team real soon. What more do you want?
There is a reason there never has been and never will be an explanation, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE. The SEC can't come out and say we wanted our friends and neighbors here in Tuskalooser to win the SEC and we saw that they did.
Losing sleep at night? Good God Almighty! Video evidence of what you think the call was with absolutely no idea if that was the call. I don't know if it was an interception overturned and neither do you. No one outside of the LSU administration and the SEC office knows that answer. As stated earlier, that was never released or commented on by either group. I've said, "I don't know." You've clearly ignore that. And by the way, as you've chosen to make a characterization of my "ignorance," you've demonstrated yours to the precise definition of the word. It's the lack of knowledge—which is exactly the point you've chosen to reside.