Looks like the one who is demanding Romney answer questions, maybe our POTUS Obama should be answering quite a few himself also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=l-HqHSkYG-Y&NR=1
It's a stupid video and full of overt lies. And Obama did not "ban it". Its very title is an outright lie. You are a very gullible person.
Romney said show college transcripts and we'll release more tax returns. Why Barry spent over 50 million hiding stuff from public ?
This is another lie. I challenge you to prove this hoax. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/occidental.asp Mitt Romney also hasn’t released the transcripts of his college years at Brigham Young University, or his four years at Harvard University. Obama has released his tax records, unlike Romney.
How can anyone sit back and not want to see Romney's returns? The dude is running for President. We should be able to know what kind of toothbrush the fucker uses. Same goes for Obama, same goes for ANYONE who runs for President. John McCain released 20 years of returns, and Mitt's own father released 11 years of returns when he himself ran for President. Romney won't release them because if he does he knows it will be proven that he is just a flat out liar, and that's game, set, match. I've said it before, Obama has really disappointed me, but Romney would be a mistake of epic proportions.
Why should Romney show anything more to please your highest Odumbo when the POTUS has all his school records, college transcripts , real birth certificate not the paper of live birth or edited version of his birth certificate which suddenly turned up 2 1/2 yrs later coindence it showed up after Hawaii declared it was discarded when they moved to computers hmmm. but thats ok cuz Obama can just throw executive order whenever he likes or should I say whenever he has something to hide that he doesn't want the people of the US to see. Red55 : you call me gullible haha , you are the gullible one this Obama joke could blow the frickin world up right in your face and you would still swear it was not him but more lies by the Repubs everyone is out to get Obama geesh ..............
I'm not Obama, and neither are millions of voters out there who deserve to know where and how this guy made his money. ESPECIALLY if that is the entire basis of his campaign. Other than Obama sucks that is. If he is a job creator, if he is so good for this country, show us.