Hot Roast Beef and pepper cheese po-boy with au ju. very good indeed! the guy in front of me ordered this big sandwich with a bowl of soup on the side with chips. Then says ...a large diet coke, please. LOL! all that and wash it down with a diet coke? LOL
Ah, a french dip and some onion rings from BrewBachers. I miss that. As for me, Mexican food at Dario's in East Austin. Good stuff and keeps you a regular guy.
Score, my friend is nuts about the country fried steak at Georges. I didnt really think it was all that great but I introduced him to Cake Palace for lunch today and he says he is never going back. Try it out if you get a chance.:thumb:
thanks, i've been to cake palace before. i've had the catfish and burgers but i've never tried the cfs..
Didn't you get the coke kills all fat grams! At least that is perfect for my fantasy world!:hihi: