I appreciate the loyalty and support guys. We've been here for 10 years because of the loyal community that it is. Apparently a LOT of other forums are being brought down because of these security holes. VBulletin has always been the big daddy of forum software but the quality started going downhill when the original developers left. Time to start fresh. Still on track to get the new forum up this weekend. There might be some delays with the DNS propagation but I'll post the new IP address here so you can access the new forum directly as soon as it's up.
I tried TOS but one thread was enough to send me running back here. As you can see by my join date, I was here when it was a busy week to get five or six posts for the whole week. Brett has come a long way, baby. Looking forward to the new home.
I was a front row lunatic beginning in 1972...Dale Brown's first season and my freshman year. we used to go in the assembly center at 4:30, spread out at mid court in the center aisle for the first couple of rows and do our homework during the women's game that was played before the men's game back then. When the men came out for a shootaround, Dale Brown would come over to us and ask us how school was going, what our grades were like and what we got on recent tests, etc. I just had a phone conversation with Dale Brown about six months ago and he remembered us. I also just saw one of my fellow lunatics at the restaurant today.
Dude, you're old. I bet you remember The Court Jesters. I sat with the hippies waaaaay up by the spotlight platforms. We were the back row stoners.