Military What was done is being undone...Iraq

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mancha, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Obama can give his opinion without forcing the US into another situation.
    LaSalleAve and LSUMASTERMIND like this.
  2. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I have the solution.
    Obama can draw a "red line" out in the desert somewhere and tell ISIS do not cross that line. They will assemble there by the thousands, like everyone else has that's been given a red line.
    When they do. Bomb the shit out of them.
    Problem solved.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Right wing authors like Ann Coulter sell more books, too. Yet conservatives complain that the media is biased.

    I think that there is more groupthink among conservatives. They seem to have a need to pat each other on the back a lot and all speak with one voice. Conservative media helps keep them on message, I suppose.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    every muslim country is not trying to establish a caliphate, ever heard of Turkey or Morocco, not even Jordan.
    If Iran is useful with border control, then by all means. But there will be no military cooperation with them.
  5. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    This is the side of the story that the naysayers on energy independence never get too. If we, and our allies did not depend on oil, the rest of the world would not give a rat's ass about what that crowd does to each other in the name of religion. Not even a gnat's ass.
    gyver likes this.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Bit of an overgeneralization. Not every muslim country is an Arab country. Muslim countries like Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Phillipines, and Malaysia and Turkey do not fit that model.

    Why? Why is Iran such a pariah? They were once our closest ally in the middle east. They are far more secular than the Arab countries, even with the Ayatollahs influence. We need to keep Iran hostile to Russia and to radical islam, both of which they currently are. They are also hostile to Al Qaeda. The biggest problem with Iran is their obsession with Israel and even that has diminished since Ahmanutjob is no longer President. Forget the "rain fire on Israel" rhetoric. They possess no nuclear weapons or a delivery system. It's their support of Hezbollah that is the big issue. But Israel has them under control and now they are fighting other islamists in Syria!

    We need to get past our 30-year-old difference with Iran and back to the business of getting rich in oil trade. By now having dialog in nuclear talks and in anti-terrorism discussions, we have a carrot to offer along with the stick. Iran is changing and the youth there are eager to embrace western democracy. There is a revolution going to happen soon in Iraq. If we are hostile they will band together being very nationalistic. If we are smart we will get close enough to Iran to interact with western-leaning Iranians who will toss out the Ayatollahs once day.
    HalloweenRun and gyver like this.
  7. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I will tell you one thing, Bandar Abbas Naval Base Officer's Club, either 77 or 78. Hottest women I have ever seen. Gold skin. Unbelievable. Trot those dollies out, and the piece...erhh peace process would advance rapidly!

    Hangin out with the Shah's nephew. He was cool and knew Uncle Shah was toast. Unfortunately he was later gunned down in Paris. I also remember driving by acres and acres (Sagan's "billions and billions") of American vehicles, all broke and they could not get a spare part, the answer was, "Just by a new one." You know that is BS.
  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Iran is a natural ally. We need to do a better job of convincing them of that.
    red55 likes this.
  9. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Because TV is still a mostly left-wing playground, and TV is by far the top media outlet. Conservatives are dominating talk radio, however.

    Did you hear Glenn Beck's comments the other day? Now admits the left wing was right about staying out of Iraq, and says its not worth even one more American life.
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    So it's Spec Ops, 100 of them, to collect intelligence and advise the Iraqi's. I don't see anything that a Green Beret, Delta Force, or SEAL can do to help the clueless cowards. It's still boots on the ground no matter how good they are.

    " Stand-up fights and doing operational sweeps to regain lost territory doesn't seem in the cards.
    In addition Green Berets usually teach counter-insurgency as opposed to classical doctrine so again I have to question this proposal. I do understand the President asking " what's next after?" but of course it's easy to ask that while you allowed the situation to develop. My thinking is Obama tipped his hand during his campaign that we were going to withdraw immediately, the Iraq government that was being formed knew they had to appear independent so why would they agree to to a Forces agreement with the USA. Had we kept our cards closer to the vest we probably would have maintained 10k troops and frankly thats more than enough against these dopes. Many will ask why would we? Let me flat out tell you...we will never be free of that region regardless of the oil issue, we need a base and more importantly to build a clone of what we want out of a arab country on our side in the middle of that den of snakes. We can't use Israel for many reasons and we already paid in blood and coin for that base. Obama just has no vision."

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