Does LSU run? I'm not a big college fan but am looking into good football colleges to attend and want to familarize myself with the Tigers Offense and Defense, so if you could answer my question that would help. Thanks
obviously grades are going to be a problem but if you run a legit 4.35 we can work with you. email: [email protected]
I run a 4.35 when I'm lighter and when I'm really heavy its a 4.44, My grades are top mark and I try to avrage 236lbs to put my 40 at 4.40
clearly, you're at a public school but we can work around this. You just keep working out hard and running then everything will work itself out.
Actually I'm homeschooled I'm using a new keyboard that is more spread out them my old one. So I'm having to adjust to that. Anyways, Is there a set offense or Defense the Tigers run?
so you're home-schooled which means you play football in the backyard? you must kill it on the playground. we run multiple sets with a version of the spread at times when les miles isnt feeling too hands-on. however, we currently run a very soft-ass, vanilla defense.
oh hahaha your so funny No being homeschooled I'm aloud to join one local highschool team sport but being homeschooled that gives me to time to go over NFL games and pick them apart with a fined tooth comb and workout more then anyone else. Its an advantage not an anchor.
ok we need to get that tutor to you asap. anyhow, what position are you looking to play? height/weigh/max bench