I'm sure a black college will welcome him with open arms. I don't want any malcontents on this team. The *Man* is giving him a forum to showcase his talent and an opportunity to earn the dollars. If he wants to rebel against the *Man*, go for it.
Al Jones doesn't look black enough to be complaining....Oh well....let him go to Southern or Grambling if he's going to be a malcontent....
I think he prefers to be proactive about it by protesting & trying to get change, rather than just transferring.
Sounds like he's fitting into college life just fine.... Now, all he needs to do is to join some other activists' group--say PETA...or some band of tree-huggers, make signs and lay down in front of some construction equipment and he will have accomplished what nearly every college student in the '70's did... *sigh* ...why do so many kids feel that their college experience NEEDS to contain some sort of "Me vs the world" episode??? Hey! Big Al! You have a problem with how things are at LSU! ? Fine! LEAVE! You don't have to make it personal and protest about it....frankly, no one cares.... You don't like it, leave....Because no matter what you do, there are a LOT more players at LSU (black AND white alike) that enjoy LSU! and are enjoying themselves there. No need to ruin it for others by bringing your personal feelings out in public...
Back on topic: You think a QB will only be our 3rd priority? I think it will be our first. Flynn & Russell will only have one year remaining when they come on campus. So we'll need a steady backup behind RP for a few seasons after that. Anybody got any guesses as to qb's we'll be recruiting (besides Clausen)? I also think that TE is going to be a big priority for next year. We have a walk-on that could be given a scholarship for next season, but I think Miles is going to want some depth there with the formations he runs. We just signed a huge amount of LBs, so I guess it depends on how they look/who changes position by then to see whether that's a priority.