Not under Saban it wasn't, the nature became to get all of the top in state kids and cherry pick the other states. Hopefully Miles will continue on the path he has started down and pull in all of the top guys this recruiting season, it is a watershed year in LA after two shallow classes by LA standards.
I agree. In the 60's when we were real strong, McClendon used to sign 16-18 of the top 20 kids in the state every year. By the 70's, we got down to 8-10 of the top 20 kids in state, and the program began to slip. Reasons? I welcome your thoughts. Things I heard: top kids did not like to be "platooned" by Cholly Mac, or share playing time even though they were the best (Bert Jones was one of those, rumor had it). Saban did turn it around. "He put a fence around the state of La." for recruiting. He returned us to 16 out of the top 20, and perenial top 10 status. :geauxtige I am forever grateful! Miles has turned in 2 excellent classes, and as far as I'm concerned, the fence is still up. I'm sure the facilities that Saban and Skip built will help. That bodes well for our future.
it started by getting players like michael clayton and marcus spears to start the trend by staying home to play. by gettinng them, it became a more "popular" thing and soon we had the natl recogntion
The 30 scholarship limit, later reduced to 25 is what did it. LSU would sign 50 or 60 recruits regularly on full scholarships in the 60's. They took chances on players that they cannot affort to nowadays. A friend of mine has a father who played for Deitzel/McClendon in the early sixties. He was on the team for three years before transferring. Never even dressed out for a game, much less lettered.