Do you know if LSU has ever owned any planes? When I was in school a course in flying leading to a basic pilots license was offered. I wanted to take it but there were some pretty expensive fees involved.
Speaking of Oklahoma, the best selling NFL jersey in OK is the Cleveland Browns. Who woulda thunk it? Dick's Sporting Goods released a map of the top-selling jersey in each state and there are a few anomalies we'd like to point out. 1. It's time to move the Raiders to Montana 2. There's no love for the Jets, Chargers, Jaguars, Dolphins or Texans. 3. Idiots are buying Colts jerseys in Nevada so they can say "Luck" on them when they gamble. 4. Oklahoma has no self-respect. 5. The Rams and Panthers have a stranglehold on non-contiguous states.
Well, yeah you do what they want, not necessarily what they think they want. I ran mathematical models on the company, the joint venture, and the combo, company and joint venture. Intricate, linked and a nightmare. The owners and CFO were amused by my math and computer skills so I was constantly doing "what ifs." And adding more and more arcane assumptions to the models. Oh yeah, two of the three were pricks. I spent three years trying to denigrate the value of the joint venture, since they wanted to buy, then two years inflating the value since they decided to sell their share. Just change an assumption or fifteen. They ended up selling everything based on a common sector "rule of thumb" multiple. My billions and billions of permutations were essentially for naught!
That was in the Aero Engineer program and they dropped it in early 70's. That was to 65 Grad, not sure why his post did not copy in mine. What did you fly?