But there will be better choices in other conferences vs a 3 loss conference champ. The situation you proposed would never happen.
No conference just willy billy chooses their champ, there are rules in place for each. But if Big10 or PAC12 wants to determine based on records and head to head VS conference championship, why do I care as an SEC fan? Do you really think 13 teams would sign off on Birmingham choosing Bama each year? Come on, man.
that's why I say everyone should be forced to have a conference CG there are all kinds of silly rules governing tie breaking procedures to determine conference champs as it stands now the winner of the conference is who wins that CG, on the field as it should be
But then, what could potentially happen is that a 1-loss team whose only loss was in the CCG could get left out over a team that lost, say, the first game of the season. Teams will get punished for losing at the wrong time in the year. I know this is a bunch of hypotheticals, but I'm just poking holes in the set-up.
But you can't avoid that happening. Things are cyclical. Five years from now, maybe Florida is complaining because they have to get through Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia and South Carolina, not to mention LSU (the SEC West annual opponent) just to try to make it to the SEC CG.
I think a 4 team team playoff is no good, beats no playoff at all, but not by much. An 8 team format is what we need, I think it's inevitable too, something like,.. 4 conference champ auto-qualifiers and 4 highest ranked teams,.. would be fantastic.
Championship game matters more than game 1. That has been proven in popular discussion many times in the past.
One loss is one loss. Game 1, nobody is out with injuries, teams are fresh, or maybe young, inexperienced, etc. Different story at the end of the season. Again, I'm mostly just throwing out talking points.
But that's always been an issue before the BCS was even born, much less this new 4 team tournament. You lose late, you're usually fucked. I actually agree with you that maybe you should consider a 1 loss team that lost late looking at their overall "body of work". I never have liked the "it's when you lose" mentality. That's silly. Unless you lost late because your starting QB is hurt, there are mitigating cirumstances that could override that premise.
Eh, the more I think about it, the more the 4 team playoff is starting to somehow sound worse than what we have now. Seems like it should be 8 teams or none.