I think she may be referring to them moving on as soon as NOLA was in the clear, and ignoring the shape that BR is still in today. Not enough drama so they moved on and everyone in other parts of the country thinks that life must be back to normal there.
They do that for every single storm (minus Katrina). Plus, the RNC was on. That is why we have local stations. It may sound harsh, but people in Iowa dont give a damn that people in BR dont have power.
Then could it be logically set that people in BR don't give a damn if people in Iowa's houses flood? That happened this spring, and the national news inundated us with the story for at least 2 weeks. BR's problem's with Gustav have not been national news because it was not the story the national media wanted. They wanted to see NOLA get blasted again so they could remind everyone of the Bush admin's Katrina failures. Period.
This is exactly right. There was a HUGE story to be covered, but because NO was spared, the media declared the storm a lightweight and moved on--hoping that Hannah would be a "bigger" storm (foiled again). My point about people evacuating is that the evacuees here in North Texas were on the news, complaining about being told to stay put, in spite of "the storm being weak." It wasn't weak, but no one bothered to check that out.
That is absolutely ridiculous. They showed the floods because they can be captured in video and with pictures and it was an extremely rare event. They are in it for ratings and while some people in Louisiana are suffering and had home damage, not many lives were lost and trees falling down with power outages happen almost every two weeks or so. The local officials and media are responsible for getting people prepared, not Katie Couric.
Bandit strikes! Anywho, looks like the storm MAY give LA a break. However, if for whatever reason the game is moved to Dallas, I am SO there!
I called for an early Thursday night game and was told by someone on here that it would be impossible to do that. Can't remember who it was. The reasoning was there was no power in Baton Rouge and that we would lucky to be able to play by Saturday night, much less Thursday night. I liked my thought process then, and I am glad someone else is bringing this option up. 9 days to prepare for Auburn....me likes