What I am looking for is for JJ and JL to NEVER touch the ground with anything other than their feet. Hand it off and stay in the pocket (untouched) to deliver it to the play makers.
I guess the main thing I am looking for is for my Tigers to keep looking like the very best Tiger team we have ever put on the field ! I wish I could go to ole piss and watch the game but I just can't go. I have enjoyed watching this team blow up the wanna be's and show folk like the Ole Miss fan how good a team can play. Gives em something to dream about
That's what I'm talking about, Arkansas. Tc said lsu gives the hogs something to dream about. They don't dream about lsu. They are too busy dreaming about their sister and that Santa will bring them atleast one tooth for Christmas. There is more people at an Arkansas home game in the stadium than there are teeth in the stadium.
The last 7 points are coming on LSU's 3rd defensive touchdown of the game. The Mad Hatter won't have a choice in the matter.