I don't think it comes down to Wisconsin being better prepared. If Harris could've accurately hit the ground with a pass LSU wins. Sad fact of the matter is, LSU over looked an unranked B1G team, and Harris was a deer in headlights. Not hard to scheme against the LSU offense. Dare the kid to throw and stack the box to stop the run. Les is just too stubborn to realize Harris isn't getting it, and is willing to go down with his sinking ship.
I didn't follow this thread much. Did anyone say Lane Kiffen? Yes, I think he would be what we need if it's offense we're lacking. The Houston guy too. Either one.
My worries aren't with him as a coordinator, it's when he has full reign. Saban keeps him on a very tight leash, and only has control of the offense. What happens when he's the boss? You saw how he left UT, and he didn't exactly light it up at USCw.
Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No Hell No
False. The USC sanctions were for transgressions before he stepped on campus as head coach. In fact, it was stated that Kiffen was extremely compliant with NCAA rules during his time as head coach at USC . As for Tennessee, peep this: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/24/sports/la-sp-0825-kiffin-tennessee-20110825 He did have a minor thing with an assistant coach funding a prospects unofficial visit but it that makes him guilty, Miles would be in the same boat with the incident we had with an assistant coach recently. Ours was more than paying for a trip, McCarthy set up some transportation and housing. It was a major vio. When it comes to sanctions there are two kinds of programs. Those who've gotten caught, and those who haven't.
no no one with half a brain here wants kiffin. tiga has as much sentiment and feel for LSU and its fan base as nick saban. he'd rather watch LSU softball any day of the week is all you need to know.