I don't know what he did to get banned, but if it was just because of a difference of opinion, then I say let him back in. I know I'm not a mod, admin, or grand Poobah like Kyle, but I'm just not a fan of banning anyone unless its for something really egregious. And as annoying as it can be, his man love for Miles and his hate of Oeaux do not reach that level. But that's just me.
Please please ... They wanna play with the troll Dude: Just read that unauthorized thread in my Playpen ... Haters love starting threads there! You called me out on my IP address and French Polynesia Trip ... My personal IP protocol and security measures are really nobody’s business. My monthly statement came in Nov 6 10/31 HOTEL FOUR SEAS 4422427 A7ANAU CFP FRANC 632,840 X 0.009574047 (EXCHG RATE) $6,058.84 10/31 UNITED 111518 1 W 0162424004979 800-932-2732 TX MSY IAH IAH SFO SFO PPT PPT BOB 0162424004981 800-932-2732 TX MSY IAH IAH SFO SFO PPT PPT BOB 11/01 11/03 11/03 $1,834.93 That didn’t include the tattooed escort or the follow up trip to Rangiroa that was fantastic I don’t expect much out of you guys and don’t expect a retraction ... And I don’t expect to ever see a beer my way at Bobby Hebert’s ... I could say something smartass but what’s the point ... You said it best ... Grow up!
Don't kid yourself. They are everybody's business that knows how to look it up. OK, I'll give you an out. The only way you could have posted from your home ip# while you were in French Polynesia, Moscow or anywhere else other than home would be if you left your home computer on while you were gone and used a software like PC Anywhere to remotely take control of your home computer to post. But why would you?
He would only need a VPN with a NAT IP. Even the IPs assigned to your home modem by provider are typically dynamic. Shut it down long enough and you get a new one. Needless to say, @Taint is here in one form or another.