""Aaron Pryor was a boxer. I think the name you're searching for is Terrell Pryor."" LOL. You're right. At least I didn't say Richard.
Win out and finish 9-3. Play OK State in the Cotton. Beat them finish 10-3 and probably # 10 in the country.
excellent post. really all the stuff Ive posted I wanted to say this also but it is just futile becuase there are those here that just arent realistic and they ridicule you for being observant as a fan. I cant blind myself sheesh. tirk sees what is going on too. be that as it may. Excellent post. I dont EXPECT to win or lose any games. other things can effect the outcome of a game. I'd like to win the rest of the games BUT I'd RATHER. See Lee develop sound QB mechanics. See JJ play and run some option/running plays behind a FINE O line ( we dont play to our strengths, something Miles and Crowton should addreess) I'd like to see the INT's dwindle to say ZERO if possible. I'd like to see some good tackling, like our D's in the past did. Although we played great D agaisnt Bama there were some times we didnt wrap up the guy on initial contact. mainly or Line backers and secondary. D line is playing lock down. We do those things and I'd be thrilled. We still have alot to be proud about. We are doing better than most teams and I think we deserve better than a 20 ranking, JMHO. I still have my entire office decorated in LSU and wear my colors every day.
I don't want or expect to lose games either. After UF and UGA I didn't feel great about our chances vs Bama, but we made a game of it. I don't think anyone is happy with Lee's progress, but I think it irks many of us when the criticism of Lee is beyond reason. I'd like to see Jefferson play this weekend, but I expect growing pains with him as well. I also think it is premature to criticize the coaches. They may not call every play perfectly, but as far as I can tell they are doing a pretty good job with what they have. I am most critical of our defense. Many of the players don't seem disciplined and rather than making a sound tackle and wrapping up, they're being dragged by the ball carrier because they're trying to strip the ball. That and we're getting almost no pressure on the QB. I think most of us that defend Lee aren't complacent, we just believe that for the most part it can't really be helped at this time. Hopefully Jefferson will play this weekend and Lee will be able to calm himself and see the game better.
The Ole Miss game should be another challenge which the team have to overcome. Having Lee and Jefferson on the field should help, and I am optimistic about the remaining season. Wonder when Hatch will be available, if needed? I like this post!
Exactly. Now that the defense seemed to have found themselves in the Bama game, I expect them to be better from now on..... I think Lee does have some issues with nerves which he has to overcome. He has got to try to play smart and NOT try too hard at attempting to make something when it is not there. Got to work on his basics.
Not to knock anything but here is my assessment... We win out and go 9-3 or lose to Ole Miss and go 8-4 for the regular season. Either way, Cotton Bowl is salivating to get LSU back there. (We travel better than Ole Miss and they would take us even if we lost to them.) Consider this... Cotton Bowl is the 3rd SEC bowl to pick assuming two teams do not go to the BCS, then it is the 4th. However, it is the first bowl to pick after the BCS for its big 12 tie in. You have Texas, OU, Texas Tech, Ok State, and Missouri all vying for that spot. As much as I love our Defense and I do think they are improving... What have we seen lately that proves we can stop the High Octane offense that any of those teams have? Feel free to rip my reasoning apart, but at this point I don't think we could... but maybe 4 weeks of prep could help us out.