On the bright side, if Houstonians needed white USA 45 caps for $40 each they now know where to buy them.
Knock off online for $25. https://trump45cap.com/product/trump-cap-usa-45/# Says "embroidered" in the US which means probably mostly made in China. If you want the $40 real deal.... https://shop.donaldjtrump.com/products/official-usa-45th-presidential-cap-red Proudly and expensively made in the USA and $40 because the Workers United union has such a stranglehold on ridiculous wages and benefits which they are often then forced to give back to the union. They supported Hillary.
Agreed. When my kids were in elementary, I would show them the lunch calendar and ask them to pick 2 days they wanted to eat school lunches. I thought they liked it. At one point, my daughter said the meals were so disgusting that she'd rather starve, so I never did school lunches again. No chocolate milk. Stupid. Better to have a kid drink choc milk than soda. Food needs to be seasoned up even with an acceptable amount of salt. Even garlic would have been an option but the food was horrible, it looked horrible, and most of it ended up in the garbage. Overall, I detest the idea that the federal government feels they need to tell parents what to feed their kids.
You trying to reason with Rex? Just as soon spend your time trying to covince Kim Jong-un he needs to change his hairstyle, you would have better luck at that.
I challenge anyone to find a kid that got fat from school lunch. Lunch, at school, was designed to satisfy basic human needs for food, so that students could then focus on learning and not hunger. Turning school lunch into a healthy eating deal, on a shoestring budget, was idiotic.
next door to the office i work out of there is an organization that started up with this school lunch thing. They got a grant from several houston businesses. everyday they send out 6 vans full of chow for breakfasts at the schools to the local schools. even in summer. it a damn joke. one why cant these people put food on the table..and all of the people that worked there are driving nice german cars...