West Monroe Recruiting

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by Deceks7, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    I see Auburn is trying to get a kid named Will Blackwell from West Monroe. Another kid from there is also on the radar, C.C. Carpenter, but he doesn't appear as highly ranked. Are these guys a package deal? It is always a plum when AU gets a player out of La., and a DT would be great. Ensminger, who seems to AU's best recruiter, is assigned to them. Ensminger's son played at West Monroe, and is now at AU, is this having any impact?

    Are these guys already locked up for LSU or are they really looking at other options?

    Your opinions on other AU targets in La.? Greg Knox recruiting for AU

    Jason Peters DE Baton Rouge Offered
    Kendrick Celestine WR Mamou Offered
    Aaron Johnson WR Baton Rouge Offered
  2. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    From what I have heard form some articles and friends who have ties to West Monroe, LSU has about a 80% chance of landing both. They are not a package deal as of now but who knows down the road. Jason Peterson is from my old high school. I think he is 70% if he is offered and he probably will. I dont know much about those 2 recievers. I think LSU is pretty locked up on the WR they have got and who they are going to offer out of TX.
  3. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Blackwell's quote about visiting Auburn wasn't very complimentary. I believe he compared your campus to La Tech - said it was nothing special and in the middle of nowhere. It's between LSU & ND according to all accounts with Will.

    CC Carpenter has good instincts, but doesn't have the physical specs to play in the SEC it appears.

    Jason Peters is a real question. Nobody knows where he will sign. I don't know how I feel about LSU's chances.

    I can't see us offering Kenrick Celestine, so I think he goes to Auburn.

    Don't know anything about Aaron Johnson.
  4. philter

    philter Founding Member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    Peters is an enigma, but he does have an LSU offer. No one knows whether to feel good or bad about LSU's chances.
  5. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2001
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    blackwell is between ND and LSU. He is one of the top 2-3 dts in the nation. I think its about 70-30 lsu

    CC- great kid, great football mind/motor but will prolly not get an offer because of his size/speed

    not a package deal though. Also Luther Davis plays for them and is a top 10 DE and its between LSU and USC with LSU leading.

    Peters- has an offer and is very good. I feel real real good about our chances here. put it 70-30 LSU

    Kendrick Celestine WR Mamou Offered- very good athlete. is very very fast, but he will not get an offer. We have much better WR already on board or close to committing.

    Aaron Johnson WR Baton Rouge Offered- not heard a lot about him but like Celestine he will not get an offer.
  6. jrich71291

    jrich71291 Say What?

    Nov 8, 2003
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    I don't know for sure where any of them are going, but I do have a humorous tidbit to pass along.

    On the day when Charlie Weiss came in to WM to meet with Blackwell during spring drills, he was met at the practice field first by Coach Don Shows...who happened to be wearing an LSU pullover that day. The newsclip showing Charlie Weiss' facial expression when he laid eyes on Shows was hilllarious.:thumb:
  7. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Except he's being recruited as a DE by Pellini.

    Expect him to commit to LSU the 18th or 19th.

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel very confident about him. I'd say 50-50 right now.
  8. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I know my high school, Catholic High, has had many players leave to go out of state to play. I was devastated when Dunn picked FSU everytime he played college football videogame. Travis Minor went off to follow him a few years later and Major Applewhite got screwed over and over again at Texas. However, there has been a trend of our players now going to LSU. First Donnie Jones came here and had a great career and won a National Championship. The LSU program is not the same as it was when Dunn and Minor went out of state. Doug Planchard (who we called "Donkey Kong"):rofl: came to LSU. I am almost positive that Peters will come to LSU because of the recent guys to come to play at LSU and that Brandon Nowlin who played for LSU is still close to Catholic High program and I think he coaches him some.
  9. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2001
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    well blackwell is being recuited as both. he is being told he could move inside on pass plays.

    i do expect davis to commit and expect paige to try and hold out to get an offer cause he is good friends with davis and they are considered a package deal.

    peters I feel confident about just because he plays in BR and there are trends for in state players to stay in state since we have been good. I don't expect this to change.

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