With all the commercials and push to stop date rape this may not be over. If someone with a cause pushes this, we may hear more. Not to sound insensitive, but with the way everyone caves to pressure and politics in this country, all it takes is someone willing to yell loud enough. On a personal note I hate any scumbag who rapes or assaults a woman after she says stop or No!
This is what does it for me. Those jackasses have never held back when they had the chance to put the screws to our team. Never! I'm in no way trying to diminish the severity of the crime if it did in fact happen. If it did there is no way we can keep him. Doing so turns O into Bob Stoops.
Ross Dellenger leading the charge. He says on Twitter that TMZ quoted BRPD in its original story, but is told by BRPD there is no investigation underway. He also tweets that DA Hiller Moore "knows of no criminal investigation by any law enforcement agency."
Too much doubt being created for any investigation to take legs even if one wanted to consider charges. Takes an investigation to get a charge. DOA #fingerscrossed
Back in the 80's and before cell phones and internet, they used to slam players chest down on the hood and cuff em all the time. You never heard about it cause it was "cleared up" downtown. Blee that brutha.
Nah, that's just what my cousin at Angola says but I'm sure I got more pussy on accident than you did trying.