We are not to chat about our displeasures for players, prospects, or the coaching staff . How is the weather in Baton Rouge ?? Here in Nashville on the cloudy side, after a small shower . Getting cooler , have a good day ! Geaux Tigers !!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQSm-jWqYyw]New Orleans Cajun, Justin Wilson - Football Fans - YouTube[/ame]
msully It's Friday I am a Tiger and proud of it !! I would rather be a Tiger than wear red any day My coach might be stupid at times but my stupid coach beats the smart coaches often. Being a Tiger is awesome and those that don't want to sign up to be a Tiger - bye !! don't let the door hit your ass as you run off to Bama land. Have fun over there boys and marry a Bama gal ! Make sure you get a good job over there in Bama land ! Love me some Rocky Top mountains - have a great day
Sully there is a difference between criticism and some of the trash that has been posted since Jan 9. Many have analyzed what happened questioned decisions and proposed alternative actions. That is fine. However too many took the opportunity to let their prejudices run wild and push their issues with Les and some of the players as provocation rather than criticism. There is both a distinction and a difference. If you can't see it then please take some time to think about it rather than spouting off and proving what everyone thinks.
It's all about time and circumstances. You grow up with me in Huntsville, you would be the most self respecting, anti vile and barner in the land. It's a tough loss to take, especially when you feel you left bullets in your gun, but most programs don't get there to be disappointed. Still can't believe we loss to the domers in the 73 sugar bowl, NC game (24-23, 6 lead changes). You do remember it was hyped as the "game of the century?"
Wiston1 - Look this board "thank god" is like everything else in this great country of "freedom of speech." And although you might not like somethings being said, be happy for the fact that they can be said. Is everything going to make sense? - NOPE - Are things that are going to be said sometimes redundant? - Yep - Will people agree with everything written? - Probably not - Are you free to write commentary back voicing your displeasure or agreeing with the commentary? - Absolutely - But people on this board that don't tow the party line are allowed to voice their opinions. Most of the posts I have read that don't tow the party line are not trying to tear down the walls of Tiger Town, from what I have read they share different thoughts of what is going on and are trying to bring different perspectives to light in an effort to factor in all possibilities. That is not a bad thing and in fact it is a great thing, because what one man might miss another man might not. Does that mean a poster with a different view whether it be negative of positive is right or wrong? No that doesn't but hopefully when you view a post if you disagree with the post you will intelligently lay out the ground work as to why you disagree hence that is why these discussions are called a forum. You would think everyone on this board has "Tiger Blood - not you Charlie Sheen :dis:" running through their veins and we all want our beloved Tigers to succeed. But to only want positive views and positive spins thrown out as if you want the world spoon fed. I can tell you that is not for me, I am too intelligent for that. Give me both positive and negative I can decide for myself what to lend credibility to and how to put both views together in order to try and come to the best conclusions. That is why I went to LSU to learn how to think for myself and not have others think for me. Will there be overkill in some posts, yes but that is just part of life if you don't like it don't read it that is the freedom you are allowed. But everyone is allowed to post their opinions and if you went to LSU than you are that much further ahead in life and should be smart enough to figure out what opinions you want to factoring into your thinking and which ones you do not want to give any thought to. But to pretend that everything is perfect everyday and not be allowed to voice your displeasure or point out that something is broken and needs to be fixed or something happened and you don't like it and hope it doesn't repeat itself just is not very intelligent way to go through life. If something has happened that I don't like I am definitely going to question why it happened and what are the steps that need to be taken to make sure it doesn't happen again. Like I said above I am an LSU grad and I am too intelligent to think any other way!!! :helmet::helmet::helmet:
Kal-El - I hope you don't think that way. You bring a different thought perspective to light and one that needs to be brought out. Are you right all the time "I hope you are sitting down for this and I am not flaming you" but probably not. But you are not afraid to voice a different opinion and bring out different points. If we are going to be the best program in the country we need different perspectives we need every angle looked at. You obviously love the Tigers and that is all that needs to happen in order to voice your opinion. I am not afraid to take a little heat from a cheerleader to point out the fact that they need to drop the pom-poms sometimes. And I also am not afraid to admit when I am wrong. I was not sold on Miles especially in 08 & 09 and voiced my thoughts very loud, and I am not afraid to say I was wrong because I am. But that does not mean some of the things I have said about Miles are not right "they were" and that is not to say that things need to be paid close attention to so it does not turn into a bad situation "it can." I am just glad to say he has definitely been a great coach for LSU and exceeded my wildest expectations because LSU benefited and that is what we all want. But everyone can improve and try and correct their faults, so don't be afraid to point them out that is why it is called constructive criticism and it is a good thing it helps not hinders!!! :LSU231::LSU231::LSU231:
you misread the sticky. it said no derailing threads by going off topic (like the title says "Keep on Topic"). it gave the example of people derailing threads by going off topic with bashing players, prospects, coaches. the last sticky I saw a month or two ago was the same thing: no derailing threads by going off topic. that one gave the example of people derailing threads by going off topic with personal chit chat I don't feel like explaining how you should know when you are posting an off topic post because it should be obvious...common sense. but if in doubt, just start a new thread. it is not saying you can't start new threads that bash players, prospects, coaches...but remember, personal attacks (ad hominem attacks, calling a someone an idiot, stupid, etc) might be against this forums terms of service, but even if its not, ad hominem attacks are always poor form when trying to get your point across