kids need more than debate. they need to actually do something instead of talking all the damned time. thats the problem, they need jobs or interests where they actually create something so they have actual perspective,
When I went to LSU they intended (and succeeded) to flunk out 50% of the freshman class. It was a very sudden immersion into the real world. Swim fast or drown. Of course I paid something like $180.00/semester. Because schools charge so much they are invested in keeping their students in school and by doing so have been coddling them too much.
Definitely too much coddling. They should be given a name tag on the first day that they are forced to wear, and it has an assemblage of all the racial slurs, including the appropriate one if possible. Like whites should wear "cracker ass inbred cunt hillbilly" and so on. This would encourage a less coddling environment.