One of the basic things you learn teaching school is don't tell the children things you can't live with. Dismissing TM was not TM's decision, it was the university. If they (collective they) did not mean it, they should never have said it. If you think the "rest of the nation" gives us no love, wait till we reverse course on this one. It will be "Katy bar the door." I know most of you will say, as long as we beat Bama, it don't matter, but it will make the school look and sound bad. With maturity comes perspective...and I am mature as hell!
So you just missed the part where I wrote "and then reduced to a misdemeanor." Noting that he was not convicted of a felony. You can't reduce something to a misdemeanor if it was not a felony first.
As I understand it, there is an LSU rule that says three strikes and you're out on drug test failures. No more participation in any sport. I don't see Mathieu getting a waiver from LSU on this. I think this is about Mathieu making an attempt to demonstrate to the NFL that he is not another Ryan Perrilloux slacker. Playing football at McNeese would not have raised his football credibility any higher than the Heiman-finalist season he just came off of. His problem with the NFL now is how willing a team is to risk high-round money on a Ricky Williams-type pothead. Perhaps Badger is going to enroll in school and make no attempt to return to the team. Instead focusing on being a disciplined student for the many scouts who will be watching him. Trying to earn some redemption and brownie points. If he does get a chance to return in the spring or summer, then perhaps it wasn't another drug test failure, but an academic probation.
Make no mistake, if TM7 is on campus, and his grades and "whatever other problem he had/has" are in order, he will be on the team. You don't let talent like that die on the vine. This was planned all along.
I was just replying in general how a lot of fans welcomed JJ back. Your post happen to mention that you didn't want to see him back in purple and gold that is why I quoted it.