I agree ... Tap is likely TigerEducated D~U~M~B~E~R T~H~A~N A B~O~X~O~R~O~C~K~S #3 Whiner of the Week Award went to KiKiCaCA ... I hope this whiner continues to whine every week about LSU DEE PLAY when we pitch a shutout ... I’ll consider it a sign of good luck and omen of wins to come #1 & #2 Whine of the week went to some @$$clown who’s busy posting more of the same crappola on upcoming Auburn game
It takes practice, brah I'm not "TigerEducated" & RamahRising is not "Ramah". Although RamahRising might be Kikicaca.
When I was stationed in the Philippines, I worked for a real hardass, macho admiral. Once, during a uniform inspection he had his Flag Lieutenant rig up a boom box and he had “In the Navy” blasting across the inspection area. At some point he got the word the Village People might not be quite the vibe he was seeking.
"Cowboy up" is used around rodeo arenas and practice pens. It means git er done whether it be steer wrestling, calf roping, etc.