With the damage you guys have been explaining, an f-1 tornado makes sense. Amazing how what can start out west as a little wind and rain, turns into snow blizzards and flooding across the mid section of the country, and then create weather that creates tornados down south. Mother Nature ain't no joke.
Weather men last night said Baton Rouge had NO torndanoes. All the damage was caused by "straight line" winds. It looked a lot like Gustav type damage on my way to work yesterday. I think some of the fence at Alex Box blew down and they were talking about one of the lights in right field sustaining damage. Weather looks bad again for this evening. May have to play a double header tomorrow.
Then those straight line winds blew straight down Corporate and Old Hammond, and managed to tear up roofs, up-root trees, and create general carnage from College to Airline. Isolated area with damage in a straight line...I guess those forecasters do know nothing about something...