I just want to remind everyone that take a minute to remember the reason why some Dems, Pelosi, Obama want to bypass the constitution, its because this bill is so bad that their own party won't pass it. They have been trying to get this done for 6 to 8 months and are having a hell of a time trying to get it done while they have the majority in the house and the senate. This bill isn't going to take effect for 4 years, what is the hurry? No one is against the right kind of healthcare reform. If Obama and the Dems would have been serious about health care reform they could have included ideas from both sides of the aisle or at least made it more moderate. It could have been less controversial and it would have already passed Obama would have looked like a centrist instead of a left winger. This is why I believe it is all about government takeover of healthcare not to mention the 5% that isn't covered in this bill. Lets also keep in mind that this is Pelosi's bill and Obama is planning to sign it so he is at least as far left as she is. I really can't believe how insane this all has become. Have to pass it to see whats in it? Really? How many of us would ever sign a document without knowing about anything that is in it? Some say a bad bill is better than nothing or the status quo? Really, Explain? One more thing, this is only the beginning and not the end. Pelosi herself has said that this is only the beginning of legislation for healthcare when this is passed. Obama and Pelosi are for single payer system, this is where this is going. It is insanity for anyone to support what is going on in Washington DC right now. We are headed in the direction of Greece and California financially. Please think about it, this country can't afford to go down this road at this time, we simply don't have the money. China owns us, these are scary times in this country right now. This is before government run healthcare not to mention the states have run out of money and are now wanting more from the feds. Think about what we are doing to future generations in this country! Like i have always said, when does this all stop and who is able to put a stop to all of this government growth? Look at the corruption in DC, some ignore it and continuously blame the private sector.
I've been telling people this stuff for the past 10+ years. If you think it is HealthCare that has put or is dragging us into this mess you are missing the whole point. Stop voting for Liberals and RINOs and cast a vote for someone with some GD integrity and knowledge.
Don't be so naive. They all have knowledge and integrity until they get to Washington. Your guys would be just as bad. The whole system is a cesspool.
Very strict and short-term term limits would go a long way in reforming the system. Most of those Congressmen in office today are the same career politicians responsible for our current financial condition today, as they have been in office for longer that I’ve been alive. Our government has been hijacked and co-opted by a cabal of career politicians on both sides of the isle that have manipulated the laws to secure their long-term careers. That’s because when they do get to Washington, they have to bend over backwards to kiss the ass of the career politicians who have been in office since before they were born, and if you don’t play by their rules, then you will be a one-term congressman.