Boom! A weekly lock ... I’m 6-0 going 7-0 Saturday And ... A whopping 10 OTHER PICKS’s-weekly-lock-and-other-picks.165512/
Ah, shud up. --------------> There are a handful of teams around the conference who could see their season take on a different tone ... tomorrow, a "gotta win out" approach to consider it a good season—each school with their own definition. The day has a weird feeling for me. Florida blinking today really makes the east a race. Is it Mizzou at UGA for ATL? Why is the line so heavy on Auburn? Arkansas, as a home dog? There's bell's goin' on here. Rich Rod with Plumlee going against the A&M defense. (BTW, that kid? Baseball.) Today has a lot of potential. --------------> @dachsie I hope I live to see the streak go 30 in a row against Tennessee. There's a tradition dating back to '61, one I learned of years ago, I practice each season. This year it's ingredients include a bottle of Bookers and a Pappy Van Winkle. I know it won't be as ugly as I'd like to see Fulmer witness. {If you're interested ... Saturday morning, quick football read. It's a look at the game through the story of having a smoke. A story that has its own niche in football traditions, ya know? }
But its Gump/Hound dog Rivalry WE. The nation is brimming with excitement. Said no one outside of Bama.
that's just wrong,.. how long before trannies take over women's basketball, and the other girl sports?