So much for admiring personalities for the sake of advancement. Sounds like Petrino is struggling with insecurity issues. A couple months on TigerForum should do the trick.
After seeing the video, I don't think Petrino was being a impression was that he was being humorous in a dry sort of way. I would kind of think that it would be inappropriate if one of the beat writers for the Morning Advocate showed up with a Bama hat on and started asking Miles questions at a presser. This lady was an employee of a radio station that identified itself as 'Hog Radio'. She made a poor decision to represent that employer as a Gator alum instead of representing herself as a "Hog Radio" employee. I doubt that it was an innocent mistake of "Oops, I grabbed the wrong hat on my way out of the door" that she is trying to portray. What if Billy Gonzales "grabbed the wrong hat" and walked the LSU sideline wearing a gator hat on gameday? She deserved to be fired for bringing dubious attention to herself and her employer while on the job.