For once we agree who knows about Brady yet some here are thinking he is the Messiah. Not cool how you give yourself a way out if the offense doesn't improve; O & E's fault no matter what. So we have to believe O is that deceitful and such a horrible guy to have brought this guy in not use the talents ge MAY have.
O&E’s fault no matter what; 100% agree. If we have a good offense next year, I’ll be happy as a pig in shit. I’ll throw bouquets to E.
The definition of "reasonable" discussion at this forum I have learned since I have been here is you better go along with E sucks and even O sucks and if you don't you are unreasonable. I would bet none of these people and you know who you are at the beginning of the season last year thought we would be in a New Years day bowl much less wind up # 6 in the final college football polls. I may be grandpa but I remember the low expectations here at the start of the season and I was one of em. Oh but their "20/20 vision you shoulda run that play you shoulda not run that play" of course after the play is over is never going to change at this place. Yes I am grandpa which means I have been around and seen more than 99% of you. With age comes knowledge and wisdom. Basically if you can't see going from # 18 in the final college poll in 2017 to # 6 in the final college poll in 2018 is not huge improvement you will be perpetually unhappy. The 2018 football team and all the coaches overachieved. No one including the "experts" here and the "experts" in sports media predicted LSU's success in 2018. I personally thought 7-5 or 8-4 at very best. So go ahead tell not me but yourselves you expected LSU to wind where it did at the end of last season. I know you didn't expect the final results cause I have an excellent memory not a convenient memory.
Same here. I really enjoyed last season cause 2018 was one hell of an improvement from 2017. Going from #18 to #6 in the final polls is remarkable considering the issues at the start of 2018. If we improve in 2019 that puts us in the top 5 and most likely in the playoffs.
lots of people predicted 9-10 wins here. go look it up....but you remember due to your excellent memory you’re a contrarian....nothing more go look that up
Contrarian is just fancy word for a dissenting opnion which is pretty much unwelcome here. Sure some predicted 9 or 10 wins and I didnt say ALL predicted less than that and so what! So then why are the majority here who predicted less than 9 or 10 wins so miserable and unhappy? Along with that the ones who predicted 9 wins should be more than happy and the ones who predicted 10 wins should be satisfied unlike you group of perpetually unhappy malcontents who would call for firing coaches every year if they don't go undefeated. I would rather soar with a few eagles than flock with bunch of buzzards.
Oh I am so sorry you guys you have my deepest condolences for the older folks like you here on this forum for the unfortunate loss of IQ and memory. I will keep y'all in my high IQ brain with my excellent memory.