You just described yourself minus the dementia. The only person that is emotionally invested in EazyE is you, baw. Rest of us recognize that the guy is a mediocre OC on his very best day. I like O but like Miles, his downfall will be his loyalty to ineffective staff and relying on an early 1800's offense.
Whenever E has perfect talent at all positions he might field an offense worth a shit. The OC isn’t responsible for recruiting or developing talent, and should expect the defense to allow zero points (even if there are significant injuries on defense; injuries only count for the OC). Nobody else wants the guy, which goes to show how prescient O is.
What would a buzzard like you know about offensive football anyway? Attached is the Hubble and a book for you. The Hubble may help you see and read the book you need to read and oh yes comprehend so very badly. May help but probably not, aaaaaahhhhhhh baw.