"cats are pretty social and should not be held in isolation",.. not Tigers, they are very anti-social, they never group together, with Tigers sex is a one night stand. Two tigers in a compound will fight until one is killed. In zoos, tigers are almost always artificially inseminated,.. because the risk to the female is just too high.
Didn't doubt you, but this is from Animal Planet... Good to know. Tigers do not live in permanent groups like lions do. For the most part, they live solitary lives except when females are raising cubs.
Right, they always pick a tiger that's already in captivity, and that's really important to know and factor into this controversy. As far as your last question, I'm like you: I don't know. I know tigers hunt solo in the wild and just get together for the mating season.
I don't think folks realize the facts about tigers and their natural behavior. They're fiercely independent.
Mike needs a few CHEW TOYS I’d love to have the power to throw him a few of the forum whiners to PLAY WITH ... But I’d worry they might give him the shits