We are losing our nation to lies about the necessity of war

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ahhh phooey, only 3000 dead men, women, and children. A complete take over of one of our major transportation systems and an outright assault on our freedom. Maybe we should just invite them over for chi and falafels. I wonder what you would say if termites turned your home into a pile of sawdust? Just nature? eh?

    Oh wait a minute, aren't you a truther? Thats right, it was black helicopters and well placed bombs that brought those towers down wasn't it?
  2. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    What are we doing in Afghanistan? Propping up a Sharia state that we helped to create. Indeed, it’s a Sharia state whose judiciary prosecutes and punishes all Muslim apostates that convert from Islam to Christianity even as we prop it up. In addition, a Sharia state will never ever be our ally. Hence, why are we continuing to shoot ourselves in the foot by pursuing a strategy so completely counterproductive!

    Then we have leftwing loons for commandeers which predicate our entire defensive strategy on the ludicrous notion that collateral damage somehow generates more terrorists, which explains the ridiculous overly restrictive rules of engagement that are getting hundreds of our troops needlessly killed unnecessarily. Not to mention that it is literally impossible to win the hearts and minds of Muslims who are obligated per their religion to hate our guts no matter what we do for them.

    Hence, lets get out of Afghanistan and change our strategy. I’m not advocating that we stop defending ourselves from the global jihad; I’m advocating that we stop shooting ourselves in the foot.

    For instance, instead of trying to prop up Sharia states like we created in Afghanistan and Iraq that will inevitably become our mortal enemies, we should do everything in our power to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We should also eradicate Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal as well.

    Not only that but we need to ban and reverse Muslim immigration to the USA ASAP, as Islam more than just a religion like Communism before is a radical totalitarian ideology that seeks world domination. During the Cold War we didn’t let millions of Communists infiltrate our country as that would have been considered national suicide, yet today that is exactly what we are doing with respect to Islam and Muslims. Indeed, with no Muslims inside the USA it would have been literally impossible for 9/11 to occur.

    Unless we recognize and acknowledge that Islam is our enemy and not some mythical and fictional radicals that are corrupting the so-called Religion of Peace, we are going to lose this war.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Welcom back Martin.
  4. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    We shouldn’t occupy another Muslim country ever! Haven’t we learned our lessons by now? Nevertheless, we shouldn’t allow Iran to get nukes either. Hence, we should eradicate the ruling Mullahs and the nuclear weapons facilities, but not occupy the country afterward. In other words, we should only create deterrence and you do that by leaving behind our death and destruction to serve as a constant reminder.
  5. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    I believe Pakistan is far more dangerous too because Pakistan has our State Department and political leaders completely buffaloed via taqiyya. Hence, they are not only providing safe haven for AQ but they are also collecting billions of dollars from us in aid that they then use to increase there nuclear arsenal in preparation of becoming the nuclear supermarket for the Sunni world as soon as Iran renders the NPT not worth the paper it is written on.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Correction, welcome back Spikkkkkkkke!
  7. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    With all due respect, Scheuer is a self hating loon and it is unequivocal that McChrystal was a self-hating loon as well.

    Nevertheless, the time to eradicate OBL and AQ was in 2001. Yet we let him get away because other self-hating loons thought we could reshape the Islamic world in our image, and today nine years later we are learning what a strategic blunder that was.
  8. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Cultural relativism at its worse!
  9. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Don’t look now but our illustrious State Department enshrined both the constitutions of Iraq and Afghanistan with Sharia law thanks to Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, a Muslim who managed to infiltrate the highest offices of the State Department and also managed to get himself appointed first the Ambassador of Afghanistan and then subsequently of Iraq, whereby he made sure that each country’s respective constitutions would be enshrined with Sharia law. Hence, even while we prop up a Sharia state in Afghanistan, the judiciary of that Sharia state prosecutes all Muslims who apostatize by converting to Christianity.

    Therefore, since no Sharia state will ever become the loyal ally of a kafir infidel state like the USA, we are in effect shooting ourselves in the foot by continuing to prop it up. In other words, our current strategy in Afghanistan and also in Iraq as well couldn’t be anymore counterproductive and unless you want to continue on this counterproductive path, we should change strategies ASAP to take into account the stupidity of our previous strategies.

    Dude…if you call Iraq a victory, I’d hate to see what you call a defeat. By the way, are the people of Iraq free? How about the Christian dhimmis over there, or they free or are they being slaughtered and violently oppressed like in all Muslim countries. How about the women in Iraq, are they free in Iraq today, or are they being oppressed like in all Muslim countries? How about American business? Is American business getting a fair share of the oil contracts and other business contracts, or are they being systematically locked out in favor of firms from Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China. You do have a very funny definition of victory, and I’d hate to see your definition of defeat.

    Not true anymore. Just like the left has managed to infiltrate and hijack virtually every institution in the country, the military has been hijacked and co-opted by the left, which explains our current counterproductive strategies today.
  10. Ahab the Arab

    Ahab the Arab Veteran Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Actually, we can’t keep the 50 states safe for democracy if we ignore the global jihad as it subsumes Europe and the rest of the free world. Hence, if we want to survive in the long-term we have no other choice but to rally our allies to resist the Islamization of their countries. Moreover, allowing Islamic countries like Iran and Pakistan to get nukes with impunity will only accelerate the process. Hence, your recipe for anarcho-isolationism is really a recipe for the destruction of the USA.

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