because im insane and a sicko which you know. i dont think ive seen a bigger transformation in one game from half to half that jarret lee made. i think he went from thinking he could win the job to being thrust into the fire knowing it was his that made the difference. what a difference. we have our qb if this is the result of the light coming on. on the road. in the most hostile territory he will ever face. im not sure we can grasp how impossible that was. this just doesnt happen in the sec that i can recall. im sure he will have some serious growing pains but this was a huge statement if he can run with it. and he has a rocket arm to say the least. those were some lasers. im worried we lose on the replay so im making sure we still won. oh and how good is our coaching staff? (no need to answer) I was totally wrong about that crazy bastard of ours.
I know He had no choice, in other words. The transformation is just amazing. Did anybody see the movie KUNG FU HUSTLE (re:the transformation)?:grin: I still can't seem to picture how he managed to zip that TD bomb to Mitchell while being hit and not quite balanced.
RP, nothing.....the TD to Mitchell was throw a ball that far, without stepping into it, while getting hit and putting it dead on target? Should be SportsCenter's top play for the weekend, though they'll pick something from Yankee Stadium.