Okay, am I nuts? One of my close friends who I used to work with is a big OSU fan (native of Ohio, though she and her husband went to a small, private university.) She and her husband asked this morning if it would be okay if they came and watched the game with us. So, now I'm hosting two OSU fans and a Texas grad tonight @ my BCS party. I'm afraid I'll be a minority @ my own house--and I'll have to be on my best behavior!
Stacey I have learned about this the hard way living here in Gator country. I invite them over for patys and they are allowed to cheer for thier team without chreering for injuries or being rude. And I also tell them that I will not under any circumstance bite my toungue in my own house. I tell them of course I would love thier company but those are the rules! If we can't agree then maybe we can do dinner the next night. DO NOT LET YOURSELF FEEL OUTNUMBERED AT YOUR OWN HOUSE! I promise you it takes away from your gameday experience and you don't want that for this game! This advice is given from first hand knowledge!
Just because you moved farther away from me (appx 4.5 milles as opposed to .8 miles) doesn't mean we stiill can be friends...... I guess my invite to your party must have gotten lost in the mail!!!!:rofl: :rofl: I'm Going up to Boston's (121 and Alma) to watch the game tonight! :geauxtige :geauxtige
screw best behaviour! scream and yell for your tigers, and if they get obnoxious, kick their asses out!!!
i watched the seccg at a good friend who happens to be a huge tennessee fan. we agreed before the game that screaming and yelling & cussing etc was allowed. you really get an insight into the other team's tendencies, etc. when watching with rival fans. ALTHOUGH, you must be good friends! get's kind of heated at times!