Surely you jest. I guess you missed the part about living in the sticks. Nearest sports bar is an hour away.
Dude, I have Direct TV, I just have really crappy internet. I get all of the games on my satellite. Thanks though.
so i run across this collection of every tyson fight from the time he was 15 yrs old. i randomly decide i wanna watch the rematch of tyson/michael spinks. i get that going with the RNC in the background awaiting thedonalds speech. wasting time. As the fighters are being introduced, donald trump is in center ring at trump plaza when i thought to myself it was odd timing. then the dude at the RNC in the background is simultaneously talking about him flying to a huge fight in 1989 at trump plaza with the donald. i do not do mushrooms but it feels like it.
June 27, 1988. A restaurant/bar on West Lee across from Mike Anderson's was showing the fight and charging $20 or so. When we got there the place was packed and you could see through the open windows that the place was packed like a sardine can. Oh, the windows were open because the air conditioning unit was broken. No way I was going in there but we could see the TV from the window. We walked over the the Circle K and got a 6 pack and went back to the window. I was especially glad not to have gone in when the fight only lasted 91 seconds. But I saw it all as well as the sweating sardine suckers who were inside,
If you wanna pay im sure we can build if any houses around you; and you aren't like living in the bayou
When they tell you that you are on the 20 or 50mbps plan, if you ask they will tell you the top end isn't guaranteed.
With so many cutting the cable, makes me wonder if these monopolies aren't doubling down on their internet prices? It's hard to get decent rates at any speed anymore.
I think they are, the same people that provide Internet service in a lot of cases are the same people that make most of their money as cable companies. So I've often wondered if my internet provider who is also my cable provider chokes my bandwidth because they know I use Netflix, Hulu, and HBONow to watch networks I could be paying for through them but don't.