Yeah, would have had to happen during the beginning of the season so they could say he didn't play the rest of the year because of an injury. Anyway, talent wise I think we are better off. Experience wise, not so much. I hate it for Flynn if he can't play. He deserves it, even if he split time with RP. Now this is a tremendous amount of pressure for RP. But the best thing in the world was that he already knows he won one championship, even though it wasn't this big of a game. If he can handle this, next year will be a breeze in the regular season mentally for him. Too bad for Flynn, great opportunity for RP to prove he's the man.
RP has loads of physical talent, but right now, we're a better team with Flynn, and I really hate this.
Re: Flynn may not play. You are using a dictionary definition, which is fine. I was using a theological definition, which is also fine, and a little better since in involves some nuances. The source was a book intitled Lying. I forget who the author was but we used it in the seminary. I think the fans and university officials definately had a right to that information since it was fundamental in character. His answer affected a lot of people and as such they had a right to the information.
Sums it up right there! I do hope we put a little change in at times but I want flynn to start! I will say this though during the Tenn game I was so proud of Dorsey and Flynn being on the sidelines. They really took the leadership ositions and ran with them! Dorsey was talking to the defense eveytime they got off the field and Flynn was right there talking to RP and it seemed like RP was listening intently. I am proud of the seniors for taking their roles even injuryed and the younger guys listening...that teaches them a leadership role later! Dang I love this team!!!
Re: Flynn may not play. Now I'm really appalled - they're teaching this in seminaries? That makes me curious as to what other words the church has different definitions for, as opposed to the dictionary- I wonder if they have a book titled Molestation (Saying it's okay when it's an altar boy.) (Not referring to you personally, just your source- I have no idea what you do or your full background is).
Re: Flynn may not play. i think i'll stick with academia on definitions: princeton defines lie as: [SIZE=-1]verb: tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive; "Don't lie to your parents"; "She lied when she told me she was only 29" noun: a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth [/SIZE] Random House's says: lie1 /laɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[lahy] ly·ing. –noun 1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. 2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. inaccurate or false statement. 4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers. –verb (used without object) speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive. express what is false; convey a false impression. –verb (used with object) bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively): to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties. —Idioms8.give the lie to, accuse of lying; contradict. prove or imply the falsity of; belie: His poor work gives the lie to his claims of experience. 9.lie in one's throat or teeth, to lie grossly or maliciously: If she told you exactly the opposite of what she told me, she must be lying in her teeth. Also, lie through one's teeth. [Origin: bef. 900; (n.) ME; OE lyge; c. G Lüge, ON lygi; akin to Goth liugn; (v.) ME lien, OE léogan (intransit.); c. G lügen, ON ljūga, Goth liugan] —Synonyms 1. prevarication, falsification. See falsehood. 5. prevaricate, fib. —Antonyms 1. truth. Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
Re: Flynn may not play. You have to realize that the dictionary is concerned with a straight definition without many nuances. The Church is concerned with moral definitions; that is definitions that are related to sin and culpability. Therefore, when it defines terms it defines them in terms of how they relate or do not relate to such issues as sin, guilt and culpability. In regards to lying, the Church trys to determine at what point does a lie become a sin, and are there situations where not speaking the unvarnished truth is not a sin? And if it is not always a sin, can it be truely called a lie? For example, a man comes to the door and asks a young girl is her mother home. The child knows her mother is busy and cannot come to the door, so she says "no." The Church would not consider this a lie because the man has not inherent right to that information, and because it is not a lie, it is not a sin.