2013 Louisville players are suing to have their vacated title restored. Morgan & Morgan for the people doing work
This really sucks. I don't even want to watch now, like any of it. The rest of the season is pointless
It's a touch choice. If he plays and you win the whole dang thing, you run the risk of him being declared an ineligible player and have to vacate. It's still possible but not guaranteed that could happen with games he's already played but is it worth the risk? Maybe. LSU's powers don't think so. Not necessarily. The NCAA has been capricious in it's application of punishment and you aren't even at the point where they have decided any is warranted. I don't buy that you are toast. LSU is setting the groundwork for their approach. It was all on Wade, we didn't know anything, we suspended the coach, gave a strong press statement, suspended the player. Tough to go only 50% if that's the strategy. I saw Wilbon yesterday on PTI and he thinks LSU should just go after wins and don't worry about anything. In his estimation the worst that could happen is vacated wins but at the end of the day, nobody, not even sports media like himself, will remember vacated wins....they'll only remember who won on the court. LMAO. Anyone here forget that USC vacated an entire season and National Championship? 15 fucking years ago? Yea, I didn't think so. Still, maybe LSU shouldn't care about vacated wins.
That won't be until April. Even with pressure which our spineless administration won't apply it would still be too late.
Maybe. If a COI is appointed and they spend a couple years looking around, they may find some stupid issue with an athlete in a minor sport like tennis, and tie it to the broader category of failure to comply or monitor. Then lots of players get hosed.
I always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Has served me well over the years. Seldom get caught with my pants down.